New Years Resolutions 2025

The Psychology of New Year’s Resolutions: Insights from Dr. Quratulain Zaidi

Many of us are making New Year’s resolutions in the hopes of improving our quality of life as we enter the new year. However, what exactly motivates us to make these commitments, and in what ways can we maximise our chances of success? Dr. Quratulain Zaidi, registered clinical psychologist, recently appeared on Brunch with Noreen Mir to discuss the psychology of New Year’s resolutions and provide helpful tips for reaching our objectives.

Why New Years Resolutions?

According to Dr. Zaidi, the motivation to set these resolutions in general comes from the symbolic nature of the New Year. It is a natural time for introspection and reflection because it signifies both an ending and a beginning.

“It’s a chance to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what we hope to do in the future,” she said. “The sense of a “blank slate” can be motivating, but it can also cause us to set unreasonably high standards for ourselves.”

It’s always critical to take some time to consider the accomplishments and lessons learnt from the previous year. According to Dr. Zaidi, we would gain greatly from having such times of introspection all year long, rather than just at the start of the year as we are entering it.

The common trends

Improvements in lifestyle, fitness, and health always continue to be popular resolutions. Many people commonly have health based goals, where they aim to reduce their alcohol use, improve their diet, or exercise more often. Dr. Zaidi also pointed out a newer trend: the desire to stop “doom scrolling,” a term coined during the pandemic, describing the habit of endlessly scrolling through social media, potentially for many hours at a time.

Social media, she said, can create pressure by encouraging people to compare aspects of themselves with others. While some may find inspiration in what others have achieved, many can, and often do, feel inadequate. “It can make you feel like you’re not doing enough,” she explained. “But it’s important to focus on your own progress rather than comparing yourself to others.”

How to avoid feeling overwhelmed ?

When it comes to resolutions, over-ambition and over-scheduling are classic problems. Dr. Zaidi emphasised the significance of establishing realistic objectives in order for you to create less stress for yourself and avoiding the sense of feeling overwhelmed.

“Small changes are more effective than trying to overhaul your entire life,” she said. “For example, reducing your time on social media by five minutes every day or going for a short walk regularly can make a difference and build consistency.”

Monitoring your development on a regular basis is absolutely crucial. Adjusting your goals and making compromises also helps to keep them achievable for you. For instance, even if you only exercised three times a week instead of your-self promised goal of five, that’s still important progress that is always worth acknowledging.

How to stay motivated beyond the first month?

Dr. Zaidi suggested letting go of the “all-or-nothing” mentality. Care should be taken in avoiding seeking perfection, as that is simply not sustainable and it often leads to a sense of failure. Motivation can be sustained by concentrating on small changes and acknowledging progress, letting go of the need for instant gratification.

“If you fall off track, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed,” she said. “It’s about trying again and adapting. Look at what’s working, what’s not and adjust your approach.”

She also encourages self-reflection to identify barriers. Identifying these setbacks might assist you in resolving them, whether they involve moments where you place unrealistic expectations on yourself or engage with your inner critic and negative self-talk.

Looking ahead…

Dr Zaidi left listeners with a reflective question:
“What did you bring into 2024 that you want to leave behind? What have you learnt about yourself that you want to carry forward into 2025?”

Setting meaningful expectations, she explained, isn’t just about the goals themselves. Finally, it’s actually about the journey, the process of learning about yourself through reflection and being mindful that are being kind and a friend to yourself in the process.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and success with your journey of growth. Remember, it’s the small meaningful consistent steps that lead to lasting change.

Watch the Video Here:

If you feel you are stuck in a cycle that is making you feel unfulfilled, and you would like to make some changes, please do reach out to one of out therapists here. You can also book online therapy sessions here.

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